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Optimisez le travail à distance de vos équipes avec InTex Home Office

En cette période délicate, nombreux sont vos collaborateurs à travailler depuis chez eux. Vous n’avez pas les bons outils de communication pour garder le lien ? Nous vous proposons notre pack InTex Home Office qui contient tous les outils nécessaires pour le travail en home office. Ces applicatifs sont multi-plateforme, c’est-à-dire que vous pouvez vous connecter depuis…


Displaying this large amount of content in a smooth and seamless way was quite a challenge. By loading assets in the background, playing and stopping audio on the fly, parallaxing hotspots, and use of large images we succeeded in giving the user a smooth experience.


Displaying this large amount of content in a smooth and seamless way was quite a challenge. By loading assets in the background, playing and stopping audio on the fly, parallaxing hotspots, and use of large images we succeeded in giving the user a smooth experience.

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Displaying this large amount of content in a smooth and seamless way was quite a challenge. By loading assets in the background, playing and stopping audio on the fly, parallaxing hotspots, and use of large images we succeeded in giving the user a smooth experience.


Displaying this large amount of content in a smooth and seamless way was quite a challenge. By loading assets in the background, playing and stopping audio on the fly, parallaxing hotspots, and use of large images we succeeded in giving the user a smooth experience.

Workout Buddy

Displaying this large amount of content in a smooth and seamless way was quite a challenge. By loading assets in the background, playing and stopping audio on the fly, parallaxing hotspots, and use of large images we succeeded in giving the user a smooth experience.